Each project we do tells a special story. We love to highlight these stories and get to know the incredible teachers, administrators, district employees and students behind the projects that we collaborate on. Take a look below at some of our recent projects and what makes them important.
Design 39 Students Collaborate & Create A Teacher Cart
Back in 2019, we had the incredible opportunity to partner with Design 39 in San Diego and create a teacher cart that was designed by teachers and students. These students collaborated on the design of this cart and considered what would make it practical within the classroom. The finished product is modular, flexible and inclusive of the wants and needs of the students and teachers at Design 39.
Portola Middle School Improves Student Attendance By Implementing A Game Lab
Schools across the nation have noted significant drops in student attendance since the pandemic. In an effort to entice students to come back to school, Portola Middle School thought outside the box and opened a before-school gaming lab that allows students to play in solo games or tournaments prior to their first class of the day. Although the lab is open to all, invites were individually sent to students who were approaching a certain attendance threshold. Since the opening of this game lab in March 2024, 40% of that targeted intervention group has maintained perfect attendance.
Cesar Chavez Middle School Pioneers The 21st Century Classroom
The students at Cesar Chavez Middle School received new classroom furniture back in 2019. At the time, teachers Connie Jones and Gina Baragone were pioneers within the flexible furniture space. Their early adoption of modular furniture has allowed them to learn what works in their classroom and what doesn’t. The students have adapted to their new learning space and have embraced their freedom to choose where and how they sit.